Our world exists (in my vision at least) with two known (biological) genders, female and male. In many cultures, there are different tasks and different rules depending on if you’re born a girl or a boy. Some of these things are related to how religion applies different roles in society to women or to men.
I grew up in a European country, where feminism was about rights to self-determination and same wages, about women wanting the same job possibilities as men, breaking glass ceilings, and more fair distribution of tasks in the household, together with things like affordable day care for families where both partners worked.
In other countries, women protest for being allowed to not cover their hair in public, in other countries they protest for the same, but to have the free choice if they wish to do so.
I hate populism, and the abuse of themes that incite strong feelings in people, but differences exist, what is wrong and what is right ? Is there ‘one’ wrong and ‘one’ right ?